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Author: J. Bout and N. J. Spaan

Grade Level: 6-9

Pages: 162

ISBN: 978-1-936215-16-4


William Tyndale


30% off 15+ Books (except Church History)

  • Mac quietly tiptoed out the door on the second floor and slid down a greasy rope. He looked furtively around him and put his fingers between his teeth, letting out a sharp whistle that could be heard throughout the slums. Soon some thin, lanky boys came running around the corner. Curious, they stood by their leader. In a dark alley of the London slums the boys were being instructed in how they could see to it that the Bibles being smuggled into the country did not end up on a burn pile...

    William Tyndale, who was born in 1494 in England, saw keenly how his people were purposely being kept ignorant by the Roman Catholic Church. He felt called to translate the Bible from Greek and Hebrew into the language of the English people. Because of this he came into a terrible conflict with the bishops and priests who wanted to keep the Bible in chains. The gifted young man faced a life full of hardships. He even had to flee the land of his birth. Despite all the schemes of the enemy, his work continued.

    In Germany, in 1526, the New Testament came off the press in the English language. By the thousands the Bibles were hidden among merchandise and smuggled into English harbors. Meanwhile, Tyndale began translating the Old Testament.

    In a very cowardly way he was imprisoned. In 1536 his still-young life ended at the stake in Vilvorde, Belgium. William Tyndale mined for his people the greatest treasure upon earth. The work that he has left behind has been for many an eternal blessing.

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